Orthodontic Care

Book Your Orthodontic Care Consultation

Another area which has developed in recent years, the days of heavy metal braces as the only choice are behind us. We offer a number of dedicated orthodontic centres, with care from experienced specialists.

Removable Clear Braces

The Six Month Smiles clear braces system has been used by over 2 million people, with a remarkable success rate.

They have taken the best aspects of orthodontic braces and brought them up to date, with the finest materials and craftsmanship. Safe, low forces and short treatment times bring great results.

The efficient support Six Month Smiles provide also saves cost. Their well developed technology and experienced support staff are valuable for dentists, above all, for our patients.

An Excellent Alternative

Inman Aligners are an equally well established option, a perfect solution for crowded, or protruding front teeth.

Your teeth are gently guided to the correct position quickly and safely. The removable, clear aligners are barely noticeable and do not interfere with your lifestyle, just a fine smile to come.

Our specialists discuss both systems with you and you often have the choice amongst equals. We truly believe Six Month Smiles and Inman Aligners are the finest braces on the market.

Fixed Brace Orthodontics

We select the best treatment for each patient, although the Quick Straight Teeth system is a popular choice.

Our patients and dentists appreciate the quality of their UK made system and the results this achieves. They also have the advantage of being almost invisible, no distracting, or bulky braces.

The efficient QST laboratory plus short treatment times ensure they are affordable and we can offer even more savings. As a social enterprise, we want to make treatment as affordable as possible.

For more Information regarding this treatment

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